U.S. “Weaponized” Dollar Economics. “This Global Instrument of Fraud and World Dominance Must be Broken Once and For All”
These “sanctions” – as they call them benignly – were and are anything but benign. They bring untold human suffering and kill people. The most vulnerable, the infirm, elderly, children and women, are most affected by US sanctions.
For example, reports from UNICEF and different other sources, on children killed by sanctions in Iraq during the 1990s, put the death rate of children alone at between 500,000 and a million.
When then US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, was later confronted by a journalist, questioning the sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of children, Albright said “it was well worth it.”
You may not find this statement anymore on internet. It has been white-washed by “fact-checkers” or outright eliminated. This killer mindset – devoid of any humanitarian conscience – is still omni-prevalent in US foreign policy.
It is high time that this instrument of fraud and death, the US-dollar, and the self-declared US economic world dominance, is broken, once and for all.
“Sanctions” are economic measures that have so far, in the course of the last at least half a century, caused millions if not tens of millions of deaths around the world. It is difficult to assess an exact number, because sanctions come with many faces, and different and multiple consequences, but they always, hit the innocent and the weak, the poor and the sick.
Economic sanctions are possible only because the world has been – and to a large extent remains dependent on the US-dollar which still controls to about 60% the world’s trade and monetary transactions. This figure was close to 100% only some 25 years ago. So, the peace-thinking world – the East with its de-dollarization policy, is moving in the right direction.
Sanctions are a crime against humanity. But so far, nobody dares stopping the crime. With a few exceptions, the entire UN system dances to the tune of Washington. Why? – Many governments are afraid to speak up, precisely because of fear of sanctions. Others are coerced by Washington to follow the US sanction regimes applied to third countries, or else….
This has been slowly changing in the past ten years or so, and a major shift in scenery, in effective resistance, is imminent.
Several new Asian strategic and economic partnerships are being created and old ones enhanced.
A new one is, for example, the strategic partnership between Russia and Iran that emerged from a recent meeting of the two respective Security Officers, Russian Nikolai Patrushev and Iran’s Ali Shamkhani, who is the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council.
Their vision goes way beyond agreements on a tight security alliance; it leads into a close cooperation within different Asian coalitions, covering defense strategies, trade, as well as economic development schemes. We may see more formations of such alliances as time progresses, where the West meets the East, in a quest of peaceful, mutually beneficial cohabitation.
Strategic and economic alliances include the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), of which Iran is already a member; the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU or EEU), fostering closer economic cooperation among Republics of the former Soviet Union – and more.
Eurasia is emerging as a fluid Continent, where resurgent great power politics by Russia and China are marginalizing Europe and the western imposed neoliberal order.
Brussels take note: The magnitude of Eurasia and her trade and economic potential, may be best summarized by her sheer size of 55 million square kilometers (km2), more than a third of the world’s land surface (149 million km2); and about 5.4 billion people, close to 70% of the world’s population.
Simultaneously, Moscow and Beijing are enhancing their Eurasian integration projects, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Funding for BRI and other inter-Asian projects may come from the Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB) – delinked from the dollar.
To avoid the loss of Europe’s trade potential in Eurasia, the EU, led by Germany, might want to adjust their Asia strategy, by abandoning the Washington-vassal status and seeking peaceful, sanction-free alliances with Eurasian countries and trade organizations.
So far, under pressure from Washington, they are doing exactly the contrary.
Eurasia should be newly defined as a European approach seeking connectivity towards China and Russia. It is now the time – rather than following the dictate of Washington / NATO / WEF, and the huge capital power behind them. Vanguard, BlackRock, StateStreet, et al, are powerless if governments decide collectively and in unison not to follow their monetary, fiat-dollar-based blackmail.
The challenge is breaking lose from the Dark Cult Matrix, the fiat dollar-backed currency ties, and joining up with the dawning new eastern horizon, where, no doubt, a peaceful and prosperous future is grounded, with steadfast economy-backed currencies.
Even North Korea will defy the US sanctions regime, as her ties with China and Russia may guarantee food and health security. If the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK) leader, Kim Jong-un, and the people of the DPRK, feel secure, there will be no nuclear threat emanating from North Korea.
President Trump demonstrated clearly that peaceful relations with Kim Jong-un are possible.
When all is said and done, US sanction warnings may be nothing more than propaganda, when confronted with an ethical European and Global South leadership, rather than the corrupted, WEF-educated and infiltrated Young Global Leadership.
Eurasia Economic Force
Asian within-trading is a new asset of the Eurasia economic force. Take the ASEAN-plus Five Free Trade Agreement – the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the largest ever Free Trade Agreement, negotiated during 8 years and having enteredinto effect on 1 January 2022.
The trade deal will encompass some 2.2 billion people, commanding some 30% of the world’s GDP. It is expected that the ASEAN-plus 5 free trade agreement may within 5 years control a fourth to a third of all world trade. See this and this.
China’s Belt and Road
The Chinese Belt and Road, initiated in 2013, consists already of over 130 member countries and 30-plus international organizations. It is an economic instrument of PEACEFUL cooperation and connection of the world’s sovereign nation-states, as a win-win approach to socioeconomic development and improved standards of living.
While the Washington-driven west shuns and despises the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), alias the New Silk Road, there are ever-more western countries, mostly in Europe and Latin America – let alone of the Global South – which see their future in an alliance with the east and connect to the BRI. They know that with the BRI there are a myriad of Asian economic and strategic associations protecting them from western sanctions – which are progressively fading into a cloudy sunset.
Asian economic blocks will become increasingly attractive to non-Asian nations, as the latter seek national securities, independent of the insecure and rapidly decaying US “shield”.
The shift from the western unipolar hegemony to an eastern multipolar world in which national sovereignties will be maintained, is already in full swing – and unstoppable.
Clearly, the coercive power of the west is abating. Last ditch efforts of wildly bashing Russia, China and eastern alliances in general, with propaganda and nuclear threats, are losing their punch.
In a multi-polar world with Asian economies and currencies being delinked from the US-dollar / Euro realm, as well as with a production and service apparatus ever-more independent form the west, takes the power out of the trillions of dollar-based assets that has been the command stick for the Washington / NATO force.
Manipulative instruments, such as fake diseases, i.e., covid and whatever other plandemics may be invented by the west, as well as false energy crises, manufactured inflation and food shortages, proxy wars, all fearmongering instruments to intimidate people with the goal to reducing populations – so that more resources will be available for a small elite that pretends to be in charge of the remaining useless eaters, albeit transformed into insect-eating transhumans.
Add to this the climate change narrative – also fear and guilt-mongering of a hapless misinformed western population – is losing its luster as more people are waking up to the fact that “climate change” is indeed man-made – not by CO2 emissions, but by geoengineering which has been going on for decades – and, as per a Pentagon paper, will allow the US to control the weather worldwide by 2025.
Owning the weather for military use
It is confirmed by a US Air Force document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″.
READ MORE: Screen Shot from the Report submitted to Air Force 2025
Weaponizing the weather can be a powerful killing machine. But the science to control the weather is no longer just a US-western monopoly; it may be used with equal force by the eastern powers. The geo-manipulation has proliferated in similar ways as did nuclear power some sixty years ago.
The Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has recently admitted that Spain is being sprayed with chemicals and heavy metals to influence the weather. They added that there are today at least 50 countries mastering the technology of geoengineering, meaning weather manipulation.
In the end, what counts is peaceful cohabitation of peoples, nations and societies; and a growing equilibrium of wellbeing throughout the world. It is all in reach and well under way. If based on truth, the People-Power is unbeatable.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.