President Díaz-Canel at RT: A clearly unjust, anti-democratic international economic order prevails
Granma, Cuba, June 7, 2023 —
He added that the BRICS represent an important alternative for economic and trade integration.
The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, analyzed in-depth the current international context during a recent interview with Russia Today TV broadcast station.
In an interview with journalist Aliana Nieves Quesada, the Head of State described the relations between Cuba and Russia as “excellent, which responds to historical ties of friendship and brotherhood forged since the time of the Soviet Union”.
He described Russian President Vladimir Putin as “a sincere friend of Cuba, who has also shown it in deeds,” and thanked Moscow for its humanitarian contribution of food and medicine, as well as mutual cooperation in several key sectors for our development.
He described the bilateral relationship as friendly, but also as “strategic” in political terms, “based on a feeling of respect, friendship, coincidence in political issues and also with a potential for joint, mutual participation, with benefits for both parties in the economic-commercial and financial relations, because there are also projects related to finances that are being developed jointly”.
He condemned and rejected on behalf of Cuba “the expansion of NATO to the borders with Russia” as well as “all the measures and sanctions that have been applied as a method of coercion against the Russian Federation.
As for the criticism on the ties between Russia and Cuba, Díaz-Canel, in response, compared the attitude of “a powerful neighbor” that “blockades us and increasingly tightens its blockade, tightens its grip on us, and tries and continues to try to charm us with siren songs”, with that of “friends from other places, from other latitudes, who really do support us with concrete actions and in conditions that do not affect our sovereignty.”
“I believe that it also responds to the fact that, as part of the European conflict in the world, a defamatory campaign of the Russian Federation, of the values of the Russian people, has been built in the media,” he added about the criticisms mentioned by the reporter.
On the life of the island in recent days, he stressed the importance of the recently approved Law on Social Communication, which he described as “historic” and “modern.”
The President stressed that the legislative initiative is being approved while Cuba, as well as other countries, “is totally attacked in the media by hate campaigns, slander campaigns, discredit campaigns that are orchestrated and oriented from centers of imperial power supported by the U.S. Government, based on transnational platforms.”
The head of state pointed out that world relations are now based on the aggressive policy of the United States, which is “constantly building walls, applying coercive sanctions, blackmail, aggression and slander.
“On the other hand, in the economic sphere, this hegemonic policy manifests itself in the total control of the world economy by the US government and by organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. And all of this creates enormous uncertainty about how to solve the world’s problems,” he said, stressing that “a totally unjust, anti-democratic international economic order prevails.
Specifically, about the Latin American region, he added that it is called to increasingly integrate, which he labelled as “a debt that all Latin Americans have”, and recalled the calls of great Latin American heroes such as Bolívar, Martí, San Martín, O’Higgins and Benito Juárez to Latin American integration and to a single America.
We still have many things to do, and above all, we still have many projects and ideas and purposes to materialize, added the President.
During the interview, he recalled that “in the history of Latin America there has always prevailed (…) an enormous capacity of the Government of the United States to adapt to the circumstances, and always promote its interests and try to win for its interests in reality”.
“In recent times, every time a democratic government comes out representing the people, which is led by leftist leaders, who move it from the leftwing, who develop government programs that do not submit to the interests of the United States, the United States does everything possible to overthrow them. And in recent times it has not used coups, let us say, coups d’état, those with aggressions and military interventions that we know from another era, from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s”, he said.
He denounced that Washington is now resorting to “soft blows”, to unconventional warfare, to “the judicialization of politics”, and is using “a cruel and persecution based on a construction of lies, slander, false events about these leaders of the left, about their family, about their friends, about all their environment, in a brutal manner”.
In this context, Díaz-Canel praised the leading role of the brics, a bloc formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which defends multipolarity and multilateralism in relations.
“By defending multilateralism, the brics are proposing an opposition to the concepts of the Cold War, they are offering the possibility of a fairer and more equitable international economic order that favors everything. They are promoting more cooperative relations between countries in economic and trade relations and, in addition to that, with all this vision, they are favoring relations that make peace last and guarantee international security”, the President pointed out, while recognizing the important role of Russia’s leadership in making the world move towards multilateralism.
He added that the BRICS represent “an important alternative for economic and trade integration, especially for countries with emerging economies, the poorest countries, the countries of the so-called Third World, the countries of the South”.
The Cuban Head of State said that, with these BRICS proposals, progress can be made “little by little towards the construction of a fairer, more cooperative, more inclusive, more democratic international economic order, and in the end all this will also result in more peace and more international security and more possibilities for everything”.
Díaz-Canel warned about the U.S. position with respect to China, which he considers “a great concern for the U.S., as is Russia also because of the relevant role they are playing at the international level in politics, because they are powers that defend another international economic order, defend multilateralism, defend peace, defend respect among nations and, on the other hand, because of the development of China’s economic-financial potential.”
There are strategies of media annihilation towards those countries, said the Cuban President, who added that ways are built to defame and discredit, one of the examples of which is the issue of Taiwan.
Díaz-Canel recalled, through the Russian television station in Spanish, available in more than 1,100 satellite and cable networks around the world, that the Chinese government was recognized by the United Nations General Assembly as the legitimate representative of the Chinese people.
For this reason, he added, “all this that is happening in relation to Taiwan is an interference in the internal affairs of the People’s Republic of China”.
“Cuba condemns interference in China’s internal affairs,” the Head of State made clear, while adding that it also condemns and views with concern the aggressive military presence of the United States and its allies in the Taiwan Strait, trying to create a focus of conflict in the region.
Once again, he said that the people and the Government of the Island defend, “in an unalterable, coherent and irreversible way, the right of China to its reunification, and the right to defend the concept of one China. Therefore, anything else that goes against that, we consider it an interference in China’s internal affairs,” he said.