Deconstructing Globalization, A Historical Perspective. Towards “The Privatization and Financialization of Everything”
The privatization and financialization of everything
For centuries the ‘common land’ that was under shared ownership by the people worldwide for the welfare and sustenance of all. However, power hungry groups of early modern times instigated the destruction, and takeover, of the common land, in order to create a culture of dependence in which the masses depended on the schemes of the would-be controllers. Over a duration of around 300 years this group seeking to be the ruling class instigated the takeover of this land, thereby destroying community self suffiency. This was done via various political and legal mechanisms in order to create a culture of dependence on paper money and wages earned from labour.
The dispense of favour was then to be decided by paper money, and who controlled it. Community self-suffiency, shared ownership, mutual aid, and access to the common lands were to be destroyed. There were four significant requirements for the traditional arrangement to be changed: industrialization and markets for the goods produced, a pool of labourers, a paper money economy that could provide people with sustenance seemingly independent of the land, and the development of the modern government. These changes were accomplished by force. In England from the 16th through 19th centuries ‘enclosure laws’ were enacted to eliminate the use of village lands and the commons. These laws were specifically intended to eliminate their means of sustenance making the people dependent on paper money wages.
It came to be that to live on the land, one now needed paper money to pay rent, acquire products, and pay taxes. The vast and bountiful resources of nature and produce of society could now only be acquired by acquiring pieces of paper known as money. Those that owned the creation and allocation of paper money began to control everything. Rather than having relative self-sufficiency from use and sensible stewardship of the commons land for agriculture, grazing animals, wood for building, herbs for medicines, and all other needed resources, people became slaves to the monetary system. It became the law of the (anonymous) market that required a man to work for starvation wages.
“Money is but a new form of slavery, distinguishable from the old (slavery) simply by the fact that it is impersonal – there is no human relation between master and slave.“ – Leo Tolstoy
In this way a thriving co-operative society of times past was gradually replaced by a competitive society in which each man was compelled to be for himself alone as he had to acquire paper money in order to survive, and to do this he had to work under the schemes of those who controlled the money supply, i.e. bankers and financialists.
In the villages and towns of medieval Europe the agricultural system had been aimed toward local self-sufficiency. The advent of materialistic science and industry gradually replaced the traditional God-centered world view and the old ways of living all but disappeared. Between the years 1500 and 1700 the rapid depletion of European forest’s was but a symptom of these massive changes.
The financial powers had decided that this was going to become the ‘modern’ way of life. However, in reality the modern way of life has been a subtle form of money slavery, since every person has been required to be a part of this ‘rigged system’ to obtain paper money simply to survive. We have the impression that we are governed by democracy, but nothing could further from the truth. We are in fact governed by money, or more specifically, by those who control money.
In modern times regardless of whether the man or woman lives under a brutal communist dictatorship, or in the system of so-called democracy under capitalism; the real controllers have been the money masters that own and control the world private-banking system. A banking system that has funded both genocidal communist control and vast mega-corporate control, as evidenced in the above book. This is a more deceptive form of slavery as the man or woman thinking he or she is free may not have understanding of how the money system actually works, and thus may not realize he or she is a slave to it.
In contrast to the times when people had shared use of large tracts of land, in current modern times virtually everything has been privatized and nothing is available to, or owned by, the people. Shared use of the resources of nature is no longer the case, and the even sky (the airwaves) has been privatized. Even life itself is being privatized, via the advent of patenting and bio-piracy of genes, foods, plants, animals, biodiversity and resources of nature, and life-forms – including pathogens, genetic markers, and viruses. In almost all cases, you will find it owned by corporations. In contrast, all basic resources used to be accessible to the people of the world without having to acquire paper money in a rigged financial economy, subject to inflation, banking usury (excessive interest), taxes, and the list goes on.
“The law doth punish man or woman, Who steals the goose from off the common, But lets the greater felon loose, Who steals the common from the goose.” —18th Century Anti-Enclosure saying
Industrialization and monetization spelled the end of millennia-old village economies because it took away from the individual and the people of the villages and towns the means of controlling their own livelihood. Nearly one hundred years after we can see the devastation of traditional lifestyles in every corner of the world – lifestyles that were organically in sync with nature and trod lightly on the earth.
Corporations prioritize profit above all else
Today, we see that decades of globalization and privatization, has brought about the demonic plunder of nature. By acting from behind the mask of corporations, the powers of privately-owned mega-banking have been freely roaming the world for every opportunity of profit at the expense of others. The corporations are actually illusions – they are legal fictions that enjoy privileges not available to an individual person. The corporations enjoy favourable tax structures, or pay no taxes at all; as well as the anonymity provided to both the owners, and managers who act not in their own name, but in the name of the ‘corporation’. Mega-corporations actually have no existence in reality – they are a fictional front that the so-called financial elites hide behind, free from liability. There is no Monsanto, but only the people who act in the name of Monsanto. The corporation itself is not inherently good or bad in character as it is only the persons that control the corporation that actually exist and are making good or bad decisions.
These legal entities are designed to enable the creation of profit, see Endnote [i], and have been central to the globalization hyper-growth paradigm. Almost all corporations in all industries are designed to prioritize profit over all other priorities. The corporation can be utilized to implement actions for which any individual would be jailed, such as major environmental pollution, etc. Corporations have no national identity. For example, Monsanto is a huge bio-technology corporation with operations world-wide. This worldwide corporate structure continually contributes to worldwide resource degradation and pollution in order to use resources to maximize corporate profits for the owners. Note that it is the world’s mega-banks that are amongst the top shareholders of virtually every single Fortune 500 corporation.
Corporate globalisation – a design for mega-corporate rule of the world’s resources
The paradigm of globalization emerged out of the Bretton Woods conference in 1944. The conference was attended by the world’s leading bankers, economists, politicians, and corporate figures. Out of these meetings, the institutions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were formed. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) came later and then the formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO). These instruments resulted in a power shift toward centralisation of power for corporations, bankers, and international bureaucracies. Globalization was sold as a solution for all problems, but, it has instead brought record disparities in income and wealth between rich and poor nations, destroyed local communities and local farming, and advanced the greatest environmental destruction in history. The only real beneficiaries are the world’s mega-banks and corporations and their owners, and the global bureaucracies they fund.
The globalization model has features including the promotion of hypergrowth and unrestricted exploitation of environmental resources; privatization of everything; continual promotion of consumerism; corporate deregulation; and replacement of traditional powers by global corporate bureaucracy. In effect, the modern era of globalization has been a design for corporate rule of the world’s resources. Globalization also advances the false notion that we can grow our way out of real social and ecological problems through ever greater accumulation and trade. Note here that the UN narrative of man-made climate change is fake science – as evidenced in the above book it is a bogus issue that has been intentionally promoted by the UN / new world order crowd for other reasons entirely, and has distracted from real environmental problems.
For example, the mining of rare earth metals for the production of batteries for millions of electric cars causes real pollution to land, air, and water systems. Yet, marketing propaganda from motor corporations, governments, and the UN urges us to purchase electric cars to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to ‘save the environment from catastrophic climate change’. This is a narrative that has been proven to be complete nonsense, see the article 1500 Scientists Say “Climate Change Not Due to CO2.”
Furthermore, decoupling approaches as advocated by EU and UN policy for the past 30 years have not been sufficient to negate the real environmental impacts of globalization, i.e., the process of decoupling environmental impacts from rampant globalization has not worked.
In essence, the institutions of world banking and globalization, including the UN, aligned the world’s economies behind a plan that involved controlling countries via debt, deregulation of corporate activity, and corporate control of everything that had been a public resource for centuries. I note a book by John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, describes some of the social and environmental effects of corporate globalization:
“The serious exploitation of oil in the Ecuadorian Amazon basin… resulted in a buying spree in which the small club of families who ran Ecuador played into the hands of the international banks. They saddled their country with huge amounts of debt, backed by the promise of oil revenues… this tiny country had evolved into the quintessential victim of the corporatocracy. My contemporaries and I… had managed to bring it to virtual bankruptcy. We loaned it billions of dollars so it could hire our engineering and construction firms to build projects that would help its richest families. As a result, in those three decades, the official poverty level grew from 50 to 70 percent, under- or unemployment increased from 15 to 70 percent, public debt increased from $240 million to $16 billion, and the share of national resources allocated to the poorest citizens declined from 20 percent to 6 percent. Today, Ecuador must devote nearly 50 percent of its national budget simply to paying off its debts.” – John Perkins, Author
Aligned with the worldwide private banking cartel, a feature of globalization over the past decades has been this debt enslavement of entire countries. Typically, massive loans are provided to a country under the promise of wealth from investment and when this does not materialize the country is forced to sell off assets, such as oil companies, water systems, land, or resources, usually cheaply under the conditionalities of the loan agreement.
”Because the loans have been arranged such that they can never be repaid, compounding interest only increases the debt. There is simply no way out. If the country defaults on the debt then they are cut off from all international funding.” – John Perkins, Author
The IMF, for example, via the process of structural adjustment, controls the economic activities of countries that have received IMF loans, often resulting in economic, social and cultural devastation. This process has been applied by the IMF in over 150 countries resulting in what Professor Michel Chossudovsky, President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, calls the “globalization of poverty”.
Globalization also results in huge income disparities, for example, in 2005 a fulltime minimum wage worker in the US earned $10,500 per annum and the CEO of Exxon-Mobil was paid $13,700 an hour – more than 2,600 times what the minimum wage earner makes, see Endnote [ii]. Yet, when a corporation fails it is never the common people that benefit, as the world witnessed with the looting of Enron. Before it collapsed the company’s executives received more than $744 million in payments and bonuses. At bankruptcy however, Enron workers lost $800 million from their pension funds.
Local sustainability or local self-sufficiency have not been part of the remit for the public institutions that foster the paradigm of globalization. The process of politically-defined sustainable development has always also endorsed endless GDP hyper-growth, thus it has been aptly described by some authors as “globalization painted green”.
“Economic growth, in itself is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It all depends on what is growing and what is being displaced or destroyed.” – E. F. Schumacher
A detailed deconstruction of the deceptive UN Sustainable Development Goals and policies and what they really mean is provided in the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.
Another aspect of globalization is what some have called the ‘economics of destruction’. Author, Armin Risi, describes this as follows:
“Consumption has to be continually increased by the creation of new artificial needs, by new ways of propaganda, and by opening up new markets. If that is no longer possible, consumption has to be expanded by yet another method, namely by increasing destruction. As history has shown, the most effective means to this end are economic crises, financial crashes and wars. In such cases, the winners – those who secretly incited the destruction – can start to build things up again. Obviously, the power of the global players is based on a vicious circle: systematic destruction as a means to increase production.” – Armin Risi, Author
“ – the true nature of America’s ‘war on terrorism’… is that it is actually a pretext for a ‘New World Order’ – wars of conquest for the purpose of serving the moneyed interests: Wall Street, the US military-industrial complex, i.e., oil, corporate and other interests who profit in death and destruction. “ – Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Author
To address the detrimental effects of globalization numerous people have called for the removal of a corporation’s rights as an individual; and reform of the Bretton Woods institutions i.e., the World Bank, the IMF, and the World Trade Organization.
There have also been predictions over the past 15 years at least that the age of globalization is coming to an end – most obviously because the long supply lines of products being transported hither and thither around the world are highly vulnerable to increases in fuel prices and the availability of oil. Industrial agriculture as it is currently practiced is also very fossil fuel dependent. The availability of oil and contentious subject of peak oil has been central to these arguments. This subject and the timing of the infamous World Economic Forum Great Reset and the concurrent fake Covid-19 pandemic is further elucidated in the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.
The World Bank and the IMF – impact on the developing world
For decades the World Bank and the IMF have been implementing Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) in developing countries. The SAPs require governments to cut public spending, privatize state enterprises, increase exports, and reduce barriers to trade and foreign investment. The narrative proffered is that these processes, as a consequence, reduce debt and poverty in the country in question. However, in reality, we find that the exact opposite has occurred. According to a 2002 report prepared by the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review International Network (SAPRIN), SAPs have been:
“expanding poverty, inequality and insecurity around the world. They have torn at the heart of economies and social fabric… Their effects, particularly on the poor are so profound and pervasive that no amount of targeted social investments can begin to address the social crises that they have engendered.” See Endnote [iii].
Furthermore, US political domination of the World Bank and the IMF ensured these organizations would become instruments of US foreign policy. This was epitomized by World Bank president, Robert McNamara, who had been US Secretary of Defense before being transferred to the World Bank by US President Johnson in 1968. By promoting “export-oriented growth”, McNamara accelerated the Third World’s integration into the corporate globalization, see Endnote [iv]. In the 1980s, the World Bank and the IMF imposed SAPs onto many developing economies that needed to borrow money to service their debts. By 1986, the IMF dictated the economic conditions of life to over 1.4 billion people in 75 countries, in effect subjugating these economies with disastrous consequences. Between 1984 and 1990, Third World countries under SAPs transferred $178 billion to Western commercial banks, leaving these countries in a state of spiraling poverty and hunger.
“The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean stated “the levels of [poverty] are still considerably higher than those observed in 1980… Under SAPs, Africa’s external debt has increased by more than 500% since 1980… African countries have paid their debt three times over yet they are three times as indebted as ten years ago… the World Bank and the IMF… are merely instruments for the imposition of US imperial design upon Africa and the rest of the Third World.” – Dr Sahadeva Dasa, Author
Corporate control of the food supply
The world’s food supply is also controlled by a mere handful of corporations. For example, 95% of all grain reserves worldwide are controlled by six agri-business mega-corporations. Corporate control has resulted in more processed foods, industrial factory farms, loss of family farms and rural communities, and more pesticide and GMO usage. Major pesticide and GMO mega-corporations include BASF, Bayer Dupont, Dow Chemical, Monsanto, and Syngenta. Monsanto was responsible for the introduction of GM crops and toxic chemicals, such as aspartame, DDT, Agent Orange, petroleum-based fertilizers, rGBH, glyphosate, and more. In addition, the godless corporate practice of patenting nature itself is carried out by such companies. It has displaced thousands of years of traditional agriculture and farmers’ rights. The World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) has facilitated the granting of patents to all genetic material, including seeds, plants, and animals.
“70% of patents on staple food crops are held by six multinational corporations who can set the market price for them and block competition for 20 years, thereby monopolizing the market… patenting of life goes against the sharing of knowledge and the preservation of biodiversity and culture” – Dr Sahadeva das, Author
Consequently, farmers in developing countries are now not permitted to store seeds without paying corporations for the privilege. Who gave corporations this privilege? This issue is known as ‘bio-piracy’. In India, millions of farmers borrowed money to purchase corporate-produced GM seeds that were around 1,000 times more expensive than traditional seeds, but when the crops failed these farmers were left with huge debts. The situation was compounded by the fact that the GM seeds contain terminator technology, so that famers had to buy new seeds each year. This crisis is said to have resulted in over 250,000 farmers committing suicide in India between 1995 and 2009, see Endnote [v].
According to analyst Frederick Kaufmann, see Endnote [vi], the long-term world food inflation crisis has also been a result of the manipulations of Wall Street mega-bank Golden Sachs. In 1991, Golden Sachs came up with a new type of investment product called the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (GSCI). According to Kaufmann:
“since the deflationary impact of shorting a position simply wasn’t part of the GSCI, professional grain traders could make a killing by anticipating the market fluctuations these ‘rolls’ would inevitable cause”. As other banks entered the game, “the scene had been set for food inflation… that would send shockwaves throughout the world…. And so, from 2005 to 2008, the worldwide price of food rose 80% – and has kept rising… investment bankers have engineered an artificial upward pull on the price of grain futures… 250 million people joined the ranks of the hungry in 2008… all the while the index funds continue to prosper, the bankers pocket the profits, and the world’s poor teeter on the brink of starvation.” – Frederick Kaufmann, Author
Insane development policies cannot produce a sane society
E.F Schumacher (1911-1977) was a forefather of the real sustainability movement of the 1970s, a movement that was subsequently hijacked by the Rothschilds and the nefarious UN political process called Sustainable Development, see the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception for details.
“Insane work cannot produce a sane society… can we take it lightly that so many of them (teenagers) now refer to their participation in adult life as ‘joining the rat race’? There could hardly be a greater sign of human failure than this.” – E.F. Schumacher (1911-1977), Author
The people of the world have been living in a needlessly destructive globalization paradigm for decades. The imperative for endless GDP growth within the current debt-money paradigm is actually a deceptive trick because:
- The real reason the governments of the world have prioritized GDP growth over the past decades is so that governments can collect sufficient tax revenues to continually pay billions of dollars in interest on the national debt to privately-owned mega-banks. Much of your tax monies goes directly to international banking institutions as interest on debt-money loans that were created out of thin air. These debt money loans were created from nothing by the international banking institutions. The GDP hyper-growth paradigm is only necessary to keep the worldwide usury/debt money banking system in operation – a system in which wealth has continually flowed upwards toward the privately owned mega-banks.
- Most forms of GDP growth in the globalisation model cause increased environmental degradation, pollution, and resource use. GDP is often more of an indicator of Gross Domestic ‘Pollution’, rather than the actual well-being of a national population. There are many flaws in GDP accounting as an indicator of the well-being of society.
- The hyper-growth paradigm has resulted in (orchestrated) boom-bust-bailout crises in countries that have taken on large debt-money loans, see also the book Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers
- Beyond a certain point, GDP growth does not increase human wellbeing, it impoverishes it. Despite decades of GDP growth, the economic welfare of society, as estimated by the Genuine Progress Indicator, has decreased since 1978. It is, therefore, a myth that GDP growth and globalisation ‘floats all boats’.
- An example of the serious flaw of using GDP growth as a measure of wellbeing of society is the Exxon Valdez oil disaster of 1991. This massive environmental disaster, bizarrely, actually increased Alaska’s GDP. The vast oil spill caused massive environmental damage contaminating 1,300 miles of coastline with 250,000 barrels or 11 million gallons of oil, decimating vast fish stocks, and polluting bio-physical systems. Notwithstanding this, GDP actually increased in Alaska due to the economic activity of the companies and organisations involved in the massive clean-up activities required. These activities raised the country’s GDP by $2 billion, thanks to intensive clean-up operations, but this doesn’t take into account the long-term environmental damage in Alaska, which can still be seen today, see Endnote [vii].
Contemporary economics accounts for humans as simply units of production and consumption that serve the globalization economy, and functions as an accounting tool of the banker-owned debt-money world economy. Contemporary economics is a flawed ideology that should be ditched because it is not working for the welfare of the 99.9% of humanity. For example, the thought that a crisis of excess debt can be solved by creating more debt is delusion. For decades, contemporary economists have been clinging to their flawed mantras, continually repeating the GDP growth line – they are part of a flawed and unsustainable/failing economic ideology. Professor John McMurtry, describes it as a ‘fatally absurd economic box’:
“Contemporary Economics is a Pseudo-Science. None of this can be seen by ‘Economics’ because it is a pseudo-science. Its ruling categories are disconnected from reality…. whatever does not fit this a-priori life-blind construction is heretical in graduate schools supplying economic advisers to governments and corporations, and taboo in the corporate press and media to the extent of its contradiction… Life costs do not compute, and “economic growth” is consistent with destroying all life support systems. We find here, in fact, the underlying form of a fanatic religion… It rules as a totalitarian creed blind to all but its own growth free of any life value, standard or regulator… This mutant value system is malignant to the marrow with no consciousness of its derangement or ill consequences.” – Professor John McMurtry (Quoted with kind permission).
Sustainable development – a problem wrapped up as a solution
The underlying causes of the real problem of environmental degradation (which is not a climate crisis problem) are not addressed by the ‘political’ solution of sustainable development and over the past 30 years have not been highlighted in the institutional halls of power where globalization/hypergrowth and the ‘status quo’ of the debt-money system were never to be questioned. Thus, sustainable development in its political definition was never anything else but a ‘greenwash’ – a new term that simply endorsed in its political definition the ‘business as usual’ strategy of globalization. Over the past 30 years the UN-promoted policy of decoupling environmental impacts from GDP growth/globalization has been a complete failure, as is detailed in the above book Transcending the Climate Change Deception, this policy was never going to work. Professor Stanley Temple of the University of Wisconsin-Madison has stated that the overuse of the word ‘sustainable’ has come to mean too much and nothing at the same time, and that sustainable development, as a concept, is too loosely defined to have any particular usefulness.
To understand what real sustainability involves (rather than the deceptive process of politically-defined UN sustainable development) we need to understand how the economic system of globalization itself is fundamentally flawed, in particular the processes of usury and debt-money banking that underpin its operations.
UN Agenda 2030 and the aligned 2020 WEF Reset are cleverly-written marketing tools for the plans of the mega-corporate Davos group, and involve new forms of technocratic control. However, real sustainability is not a product of the plans of privately-owned mega-banks or of power-hungry corporates. Real sustainability must prioritize local resilience, and is a product of living in the mode of goodness, cognizant that everything comes from God, the Creator.
This article is derived from the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.
Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK; and at the United Nations Environment Division; and is the author of the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception – Toward Real Sustainability available on amazon.COM and on his website
[i] Source:
[ii] Source: Spiritual Economics Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita by Dhanesvara das.
[iii] This study was released by the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review International Network (SAPRIN). SAPRIN, The Policy Roots of Economic Crisis and Poverty: A Multi-Country Participatory Assessment of Structural Adjustment, April 2002, Executive Summary, p.21.
[iv] The book Food Fascism by Dr Sahadeva Dasa, Pg 87-98.
[v] The book Food Fascism by Dr Sahadeva Dasa, Pg 70
[vi] Source:, April 27th, 2011
[vii] Source: