“We are a sovereign country, and we are going to prove it”

 Laura Mercedes Giráldez, Granma, August 16, 2024 — 

The member of the Political Bureau and Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, denounced on August 14th in X the attempt of some members of the OAS to impose a resolution on the Venezuelan electoral process, which maintains the interfering character of the previously rejected one.

“We call to refrain from promoting actions that generate instability and violence in that country,” he insisted.

It is about a meeting that took place yesterday in the afternoon, in Washington, to reconsider the project previously presented, this time with the modifications received after the negotiation session held last Tuesday.

Meanwhile, President Nicolás Maduro publicly condemned the interference of other countries in the internal affairs of the South American nation, especially the United States, which “is not an electoral authority in Venezuela.”

“We are a sovereign country and we are going to prove it,” he declared.
On the other hand, the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, revealed before the national and international press the main actors of the “guarimbas” that took place during the 48 hours after the presidential elections.

The result of this activity of the “neo-Nazi extreme right” was 25 murders, all attributable to individuals outside the law who, after receiving their payment in dollars, tried to provoke a civil war. Their main advisor was the leader of Voluntad Popular, Gilber Caro.

The main terrorists “were arrested in real time and this plan to recruit criminal groups to generate violence was dismantled. We are doing justice immediately,” he assured.
Likewise, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Caryslia Rodríguez, informed the beginning of the technical expertise of the electoral material collected in the hearings of last week, in order to give continuity to the contentious appeal filed by Nicolás Maduro.

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