US Congress Will Not Recognize President Maduro if He Wins Venezuelan Elections (+Sanctions)

Orinoco Tribune, June 23, 2024 — 

United States Congress members will continue their interventionist policy of disregarding the will of the Venezuelan people, as revealed by a recently drafted resolution aiming at not recognizing the victory of Nicolás Maduro if he wins in the upcoming presidential elections in Venezuela. The resolution floated the narrative of electoral fraud, thus aligning with the strategy of the US-controlled far-right Venezuelan opposition.

In a resolution introduced in the US Congress, a group of far-right senators “encourages the [Biden] Administration to condemn the results of the Venezuelan election on July 28, 2024, if fraud occurs, and to subsequently impose additional sanctions on Maduro and the co-conspirators in his illegitimate regime to ensure they are unable to profit through their illegal and corrupt activities.”

The anti-Venezuela drafted resolution is a bipartisan one, as it was introduced, on Tuesday, June 18, by a group of Republican and Democrat parliamentarians, including Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Marco Rubio (R-Florida), and US Representatives Carlos Gimenez (R-Florida), María Elvira Sálazar (R-Florida), and Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida).

“If there is overwhelming evidence of fraud in Venezuela’s upcoming elections, the Biden administration must condemn and hold Maduro accountable,” said Senator Jared Moskowitz.

The group of far-right US congresspeople also denounced unsubstantiated alleged attempts by the Maduro administration “to intimidate and repress the Venezuelan people and their candidates.”

“I hope the United States condemns Maduro’s efforts to again undermine a free and fair election in Venezuela,” said Lindsey Graham.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio has been one of the main promoters of the illegal sanctions against millions of Venezuelans. Furthermore, a significant part of his political activism is based on lobbying the Biden administration to not lift any of the sanctions imposed on the country.

Recently, he attacked the United Nations (UN) for appointing Venezuela to the United Nations General Assembly’s Vice Presidency for Latin America and the Caribbean. Last year he introduced a law prohibiting the import of oil and liquefied natural gas from Venezuela and Iran to the United States.

According to US political analysts, Rubio is a clear choice for the shortlist of vice presidential options for Republican candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming US presidential elections scheduled for November 5.

The new imperialist US congressional resolution, plagued with lies and half-truths typical of the White House’s narrative against the Bolivarian Revolution and Chavismo, is expected to be passed in the coming days by the US Congress.

Meanwhile President Nicolás Maduro is leading the Venezuelan presidential race, with most pollsters indicating that he has more than double the popular support as compared to the far-right Unitary Platform (PUD) candidate Edmundo González. President Maduro enjoys this voter preference in a situation where Venezuela has been among the top 10 most illegally sanctioned countries in the world for years, which has severely impacted the Venezuelan economy, in addition to a multimillion dollar price on President Maduro’s head announced by the US government, as well as recurrent terrorist and assassination plots organized by far-right groups associated to the PUD and the US government.

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