The Democratic Front calls for the withdrawal of recognition of the state of “Israel”

DFLP Central Media, Resistance News Network, July 18, 2024 — 

The Democratic Front calls for the withdrawal of recognition of the state of “Israel” in response to the Knesset’s decision and in accordance with the decisions of the National and Central Councils.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine called on the political leadership of the Palestinian Authority to withdraw recognition of the “Israeli” occupation state in response to the Knesset’s decision ( rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, with Al-Quds as its capital, based on the June 4, 1967 borders. This call is also in accordance with the decisions of the National and Central Councils, which mandate a reconsideration of relations with “Israel” as an occupying state, withdrawing recognition, ceasing all forms of security coordination, and disengaging from the “Israeli” economy.

The Democratic Front stated that it has become clear, beyond any doubt, that Israeli fascist policies not only involve the execution of our people in the Gaza Strip, including children, women, and the elderly, and the destruction of infrastructure, but also, through the Knesset’s decision, announce the execution of the Palestinian national project and the legitimate rights of our people. This decision disregards all relevant international legitimacy resolutions and violates international law, which can no longer be confronted by mere statements, regardless of their source. Instead, the situation requires an effective and influential practical step that guarantees the embodiment of the Palestinian state, in accordance with the Algiers Declaration on 15/11/1988, proclaiming the independence ( of the State of Palestine.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine concluded by calling for liberation from the constraints and obligations of the Oslo Accords. Daily events and realities have confirmed that these agreements remain in place only through unilateral commitments by the Palestinian Authority and its political leadership, a situation that is no longer understood and is indeed resented by our people, political forces, and even friends of Palestine worldwide.

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