Neither calmness nor conformity; solutions to problems, solutions to solutions

Granma, July 8, 2024 — 

To confront “the negative tendencies that emerge like weeds in difficult moments” called on Diaz-Canel, at the conclusion of the 8thl Plenary Session of the Party’s Central Committee

The fact that the daily life of the Cuban people is an act of heroic creation for its existence forces that, wherever there is a communist militant, states of calm and conformity have no place.

Harassed like no other by a long economic war, openly declared by the greatest power on the planet to asphyxiate and subdue it under the pressure of the lack of vital resources and media demonization to discourage and fracture ideologies, the country needs as never before the critically sharp gaze of its political vanguard; may it be the first one that, wherever it lives and works, summons all the intelligences and all the arms of the people of good will.

“The times are neither for complacency nor for inertia that we do not know how to break. Our people demand results, and we owe it to them”.

This was expressed by its First Secretary and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, at the closing of the 8t Plenary Session of the Party’s Central Committee, who told the militancy to make rectification a permanent exercise, in order to “face with will, effort and imagination, the negative tendencies that emerge like weeds in difficult times”.

For it to be an effective practice, he said that “it must be accompanied by a deep self-criticism, and the constant criticism of what we do wrong or what does not give the expected results, breaking inertias and routines, banishing the complaining lament that paralyzes”.

As required by the current complex situation, and the objectivity with which the possible solutions to sensitive problems such as those generated by the difficulties to timely ensure the regulated family basket, the instability of the National Electric System, the speculative prices, and the manifestations of crime and social violence, which all threaten the tranquility of citizens, the Plenary Session called for the “immediate implementation of concrete actions, well secured, with due control”, and that are well explained to the population, to gather all the support.

Díaz-Canel demanded “that what was approved be complied with, defining the objectives well, preparing the executors of each measure well, promoting the political, material and financial assurance of its implementation, proposing the actions with an implementation schedule so that they do not remain in the wind and in the discourse, and above all, exercising control for corrections, adjustments and the necessary feedback.

“If we work in all these areas simultaneously, in a determined, organized, coherent manner, in a short time we will be ordering fundamental issues such as the budget deficit, the excess of circulating cash, tax evasion, abusive prices; we will be ordering the proper relations between the state sector and the non-state sector; We will be confronting crime and corruption in a more decisive manner; we will be providing more offers to the population; and all this will also indirectly influence modifications in the exchange rate, in a gradual manner, and in inflation; and we would be contributing to the solution of important problems that our society has to face”, stated the First Secretary of the Party’s Central Committee.

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