Jorge Rodríguez Presents Evidence Against Opposition Voting Records

Orinoco Tribune, August 3, 2024 —

Caracas (—The head of President Nicolas Maduro’s presidential campaign staff, Jorge Rodríguez, said that a brief analysis of the detailed voting record presented by the far-right party Unitary Platform (PUD) to support its alleged overwhelming victory. The alleged results were released through a website based in the United States and are plagued with inconsistencies and irregularities.

This Friday, August 2, during a press conference held by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with international journalists,  Rodríguez reported that this website was set up by the political organization Vente Venezuela allegedly to allow citizens to learn about the electoral results from last Sunday, July 28, only 30% of the electoral records were published.

In this regard, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) deputy questioned the United States government for deciding the aforementioned elections based on such a small percentage. This Thursday, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the winner of the Venezuelan presidential elections was PUD’s candidate Edmundo González, based on the figures in this website’s database.

For Rodríguez, the fact that the website’s dominion was created one day before the presidential elections caused suspicion. He added that this is evidence of a premeditated plan to reject the electoral results. He showed the dominion registration for the website, as it is public information.

“How is it possible that the Secretary of State of what is considered the greatest power in the world accepts this a result when they only published 9,468 voting records? Thirty-one percent,” said Rodríguez during the press conference, referring to the over 30,000 voting records that comprise Venezuela’s electoral infrastructure.

“I still call them voting records for educational purposes, but they are not voting records,” Rodríguez clarified, adding that the data supporting the opposition’s parallel electoral council are just papers.

The PSUV deputy also reported that, according to the figures published by right-wing activist Yon Goicoechea, former candidate “Edmundo González obtained 63% of the votes and President Maduro 30% in each and every one of the states and municipalities of Venezuela,” obtaining the same proportions in each region, “Something mathematically impossible,” Rodríguez added.

In a video, he also showed how far-right politicians María Corina Machado and Edmundo González contradict each other regarding the number of voting records they had access to. “First, they say 40%, then 73%, and then 80%,” he said. Despite their claims that “voting records” supporting this website’s data represent less than 33% of the total voting records.

Rodríguez then provided detailed information regarding the inconsistencies in many of the voting records contained in this website supporting PUD and US claims of Edmundo González’s victory. He mentioned that there are thousands of voting records without the signatures of the voting machine operators, something that invalidates a voting record.

Rodríguez gave additional details about the inconsistencies of the data provided, showing how the far-right opposition broke Venezuelan law in sharing these alleged records. The most important are below:

• There are dozens of voting records without signatures of Great Patriotic Pole or PSUV witnesses, although witnesses from each participating political party must sign.
• There are voting records without the information and signatures of witnesses, voting machine operators, and voting center members.
• Zero voting reports were used instead of voting records.
• They included voting records with multiple signatures that seem to be signed by the same person.
• There were voting records with missing information and results.
• They used voting records without final results.
• The voter registry used was outdated.

President Maduro and Jorge Rodríguez said that the PSUV has 100% of the voting records and is ready to submit them to the proper authorities. Based on the Venezuelan Constitution, President Nicolás Maduro filed an electoral result in the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to clarify any inconsistencies in the voting process, considering the unprecedented cyberattack that affected the electoral system.

In addition, during the press conference, President Maduro warned that Venezuelan intelligence intercepted communications between far-right political figures and criminal gangs talking regarding a planned attack against an opposition demonstration scheduled for this Saturday in Caracas. He said that all the law enforcement agencies are on alert to avoid any acts of violence.

President Maduro explained that the records presented by Jorge Rodríguez are just the beginning of a detailed job by a group of electoral experts from Venezuela and abroad about the irregular voting records used by the Venezuelan opposition.

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