CP (Switzerland), Facilitating the entry of NATO troops into Switzerland?

Switzerland Communist Party, SolidNet, September 3, 2024 — 

The Swiss Federal Government does not defend our sovereignty. Swiss soldiers will risk their lives for the interests of others! 

In its meeting of 21 August, the worst Federal Government ever, completely subservient to Atlantic diktats and in a never-before-seen interventionist zeal, approved Switzerland’s participation in two European Union (EU) ‘Permanent Structured Cooperation’ (PESCO) projects, one of which is particularly invasive and contrary to neutrality: the ‘Military Mobility’ project aims to facilitate the crossing of Swiss national borders by foreign troops, not only from EU countries but also from the omnipresent USA. 

If this in itself appears extremely problematic for a country that should, precisely because of its neutrality, avoid being exploited for military operations of only one geopolitical field, the government blithely admits that this will also have ‘positive effects on Switzerland’s deployments abroad, in particular in the framework of military peace promotion’, which translated means actively supporting NATO war missions, as in Kosovo, exposing our soldiers to ever greater risks not in the interests of our national defence, but in serving the imperialist agenda of the USA, which continues to push for an escalation of the conflict against Russia in order to engage Europe in a protracted war that will also have disastrous effects economically as well as in terms of ever greater human costs. 

This unilateral military cooperation turns Switzerland into a litigant in others’ conflicts, to the detriment of our national security as well as rendering diplomatic efforts futile. These are very serious decisions that follow one another in a rather suspicious manner and destroy, step by step, the credibility of our neutrality abroad. The intensification of Switzerland’s cooperation with PESCO should in fact be read in the context of a gradual, but without democratic legitimacy, strengthening of the integration of our armed forces into NATO. If we add to this the express wish of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to organise training courses abroad in the future, the only advice we can give to conscripts is to leave the army in favour of civil service before it is too late.

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