President Maduro Expresses Venezuela’s Solidarity With Palestine and Lebanon Against Zionist Aggression and Nasrallah’s Assassination

Orinoco Tribune, September 30, 2024 —

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro expressed the solidarity of the Venezuelan government and people with the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon, victims of military attacks carried out by Israeli occupation forces with the support of the US army. Before thousands of people in the city of La Guaira, President Maduro condemned the Zionist entity for killing more than a thousand people in its attacks on civilian areas of Lebanon this week, including around 500 children, a massacre added to the genocide being perpetrated for almost a year in the Gaza Strip, with nearly 42,000 people killed, around 10,000 missing, and some 100,000 wounded.

In the mass demonstration held in La Guaira on Saturday, September 28, the Venezuelan president lamented the death of the secretary general of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, assassinated in the Zionist airstrike on southern Beirut on Friday. President Maduro described the martyred leader as a leader of the Muslim world and the Arab peoples.

“On behalf of the Venezuelan revolutionary forces, I repudiate this crime,” President Maduro said. “The attack was ordered from Washington, and in the headquarters of the United Nations the cowards of the world remain silent, but no one will silence peoples in rebellion.”

“I call on the peoples of the world to raise their voices and show solidarity with the Palestinian people, with the people of Lebanon,” he added.

“To fight, to persevere in the just causes of humanity was the teaching of our beloved commander Hugo Chávez and we are following the path of Chávez,” he continued. “The cause of the peoples for their right to exist, for justice, for equality, for the right to peace, is a centuries-old, sacred cause. With unity, the peoples of the world will end war and colonialism.”

The event in La Guaira took place in the context of multiple marches organized throughout the country to celebrate the victory of Chavismo in the presidential elections on July 28. During the event, President Maduro said that the extremist right had failed in trying to steal the victory from the people and to execute a violent and destabilizing agenda.

He pointed out that the extreme-right opposition had attacked the Guri hydroelectric plant and attempted to attack other installations of the electrical system, but the Venezuelan government has not lowered its guard and is improving surveillance and security measures. “We have to march together for peace and take care of Venezuela,” he said. “Today, 60 days after July 28, we have consolidated the victory, and we are going for the plans of social recovery, the right to happiness and joy of Venezuelans, consolidating the People’s Power.”

“As the president re-elected on July 28, I reaffirm my call for national unity, for peace, for work, and for the economic recovery of the country,” he said, adding that the Chavistas “have to be the most powerful block of cohesion. We are the guarantee for Venezuela’s development.”

The Venezuelan president mentioned that the far-right former presidential candidate, Edmundo González, showed up at an event in Madrid on Saturday with a Venezuelan flag with seven stars. “He renounced Venezuela’s right to the Guayana Esequiba, which was a historic claim of the Liberator Simón Bolívar,” President Maduro stated.

He added that it is a gesture of betraya on part of González to display that flag in an event organized by the Spanish far right.

President Maduro further stressed that on January 10, 2025 he will be sworn in as the president of Venezuela, with millions of people in the streets. The swearing in will take place before the National Assembly of the Venezuela, as mandated by the Constitution. “We are on the right side of history. We are moving forward on all fronts,” he added.

On July 28, the Venezuelan people elected Nicolás Maduro Moros, candidate of the Great Patriotic Pole coalition, as president with 6,408,844 votes (51.95% of the votes).

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