Syrian Communist Party: No to Dark Tyranny, Together in the Struggle against Colonists and Their Henchmen

Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party, January 30, 2025

Since seizing power in our homeland Syria on December 8, 2024, as a result of a military attack fully supported by colonial powers that are members of the aggressive NATO, the dark clique has begun to restrict the social rights of the people. Tens of thousands of workers in the state and public sector facilities have been laid off, with many of these facilities being liquidated, which has led to a worsening of the economic and social situation. In addition, discrimination between citizens on the basis of their beliefs and affiliations is escalating. Kidnappings and assassinations have taken place and are taking place, accompanied by theft, looting and extortion.

On January 29, 2025, the features of the political tyranny of the dark ones began to crystallize more clearly. On that day, an expanded meeting was held for the leaders of the armed groups who seized most of the country as a result of historical coincidence, without having any qualifications other than the power of arms.

 In this meeting, it was agreed to consolidate the authoritarian style of ruling the country. One person was given full executive and legislative powers in running the state. This means emphasizing a blatant dictatorial system of government under the Turkish mandate. It is worth noting that this dangerous step was preceded by numerous meetings with representatives of imperialist centers and reactionary Arab regimes, in addition to the permanent presence of the Turkish guardian, which indicates that this transformation took place with the blessing of these circles. All promises to establish democratic freedoms and take steps in this direction were thrown into the trash can. Syria became without a constitution for the country, controlled by the whims of the obscurantists and the interests of the powers behind them. Note that in the 2012 constitution that was abolished, there is no reference to the ruling party, but it stipulates general social rights, so this constitution was considered an obstacle to the path of transforming our country into a haven for the reactionary, obscurantist forces and their masters. The Turkish colonizer wants to carry out transformations in Syria of an extremist, obscurantist nature, which it cannot carry out in its own country.  The ill-fated meeting of January 29 also decided to dissolve many national parties, including the Syrian Communist Party. We see this measure as a first step, which will be followed by other steps to restrict all true national and democratic forces.

The Syrian Communist Party, which is over a hundred years old, during which it has fought in various circumstances, will not submit to this unjust decision to dissolve it. It will continue its struggle in defense of the rights of the popular masses and to restore the independence and sovereignty of the homeland. We, the Syrian Communists, do not fear oppression and persecution, and our history is a witness to that. The Syrian people know us for our steadfastness on principle and our integrity in serving the people.

In this difficult stage, we see one of our first tasks as working to unite the ranks of all the good forces in our country, regardless of their background, in order to confront tyranny and dark oppression.

Together in the struggle for a free homeland and a happy people!

Central Committee of the Syrian Communist Party.

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