President Maduro: Far-Right Opposition Plans to Carry Out a Coup d’État

Orinoco Tribune, June 21, 2024 —

Caracas (—Venezuelan President and incumbent candidate Nicolás Maduro condemned the two opposition candidates who did not sign the anti-guarimba agreement to recognize the result of the presidential elections, Edmundo González Urrutia and Enrique Márquez, accusing them of planning a coup d’état. President Maduro made the statements during a presidential campaign rally on La Planta Street in Maturín, the capital of Monagas state.

This Friday, June 21, accompanied by his wife and national deputy, Cilia Flores, his campaign manager Jorge Rodríguez, and Governor of Monagas Ernesto Luna, President Maduro criticized the Unitary Platform (PUD) candidate, Edmundo González, and the Centrados candidate, Enrique Márquez, for refusing to sign the agreement to respect the results of the next presidential elections. The agreement was signed on Thursday at the National Electoral Council (CNE) by eight out of 10 candidates in the upcoming July 28 presidential elections.

“These sectors try to carry out a coup at any moment… I have the evidence. And I only tell the people that in any circumstance, nerves of steel, maximum unity, and mobilization,” the president stated. “If they dare, the people must win peace on every street and not let them steal our joy.”

In that sense, President Maduro added, “Why did they register as candidates? What for? They signed up to try to embarrass the country, to harm Venezuela again. They dream to attempt a coup d’état.

President Maduro recalled that he, who proposed said agreement, signed it because he wants “peace and the best for Venezuela” and is sure he will win “by a knockout” in the elections.

The document, signed by eight of the 10 presidential candidates, commits the signatories to maintain a “climate of respect, peace, and democratic participation” so that, on election day and following days, “they do not respond to the will of the people of Venezuela with acts of violence and destabilization that threaten the well-being of the country. Oligarchs, if you break the rules, you will regret it. This united people is not going to allow you any more guarimbas. No to violence, iron fist,” President Maduro stated.

After reiterating to the United States government that if it wants Venezuelan oil, it must pay for it at the international price. Maduro also warned that “he is monitoring” the US administration.

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