Nicaragua Severs Diplomatic Relations With ‘Israel’

Orinoco Tribune, October 14, 2024 —

The government of Nicaragua announced the breaking of diplomatic relations with the “fascist and genocidal” government of “Israel.”

Considering the Nicaraguan National Assembly’s resolution condemning the acts of genocide by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people, the government of President Daniel Ortega announced on Friday, October 11, that it has broken off diplomatic relations with the entity.

In a statement, the government of Nicaragua condemned the genocide and “the occupation and constant aggression against the Life and Dignity of the People of Palestine, which is now being expanded against the People of Lebanon, and is seriously threatening Syria, Yemen, and Iran, endangering the Peace and Security of the Region and the World.”

“In Permanent Solidarity with the People and Government of Palestine, with the Peoples who suffer Martyrdom, Destruction and Barbarism and in strict adherence to International Law and the Conventions that govern civilized relations between States and Governments of the World, the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua breaks all Diplomatic Relations with the Fascist Government of Israel,” the document stated.

Previously, the coordinator of the Council for Communication and Citizenship, Nicaraguan Vice President Rosario Murillo, had reported that the president instructed “the Foreign Ministry to comply with this request from the National Assembly and to proceed with the breaking of diplomatic relations with the fascist and genocidal government of Israel.”

The instruction came after the Nicaraguan parliament held a special session on Friday morning to repudiate and condemn the fascist and genocidal acts of the Zionist entity.

Murillo added that the break is with the government and not with the people of “Israel,” “because as peoples, as a human family, we love and respect all the communities of the world.”

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“It is the fascist and genocidal government of Israel that is applying policies of extermination against great, brave, courageous peoples, dignified peoples, with whom we have always had brotherhood,” the vice president said. “The fascist government is committing war crimes—that is why we say fascist, genocidal, war criminal government, we have condemned it, we have repudiated it from the Nicaraguan parliament, and the president of the Republic has been asked to break relations with that fascist, genocidal and war criminal regime, but not with the families and the people of Israel.”

Murillo added that the government of Nicaragua condemns, repudiates and rejects genocide and war crimes and supports the combatant peoples.

On Friday morning, during the session of Parliament, the president of the National Assembly, Gustavo Porras, stated, “For more than a year the world has witnessed the genocide that the government and the rrmy of Israel are committing against the heroic and glorious people of Palestine.”

“The National Assembly of Nicaragua respectfully asks the government of Reconciliation and National Unity to consider the breaking of diplomatic relations with the genocidal and Zionist government of Benjamin Netanyahu,” Porras added.

The foreign minister of Nicaragua, Valdrack Jaentschke, ratified that “the government of Nicaragua is and will always be on the side of the struggle of the Palestinian people in their right to independence, sovereignty and self-determination. We will continue to condemn at all instances and raise our firm voice against the brutal genocide that is being committed against the Palestinian people, by the Zionist regime of Israel for more than 70 years.”

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